Circus du Soleil Ovo

On the weekend I went to The Docklands with my family to have some fun and eat brunch but what we didn’t know was mum and dad had a circus surprise in store for us. So after breakfast we walked around to look for something to do and we ‘accidentally’ found the Circus du Soleil tent. Mum and dad decided we should go and just have a look around and when we nearly out the front of the circus tent gates we guessed mum and dad had decided to buy tickets, so we waited about another 5 minutes the n went and found our seats we were sitting down for about 10 minutes then circus started it was awesome there were heaps of different acts. There were heaps of different acts like trampolining, tightropes, trapize, balancing acts and acts of extreme strenght. It was cool, amazing and everyone was in awe.


Homemade Bow & Arrow

Just recently my dad, 2 little brothers and I made a cool bow and arrow out of a peice of quad and some nylon string. We made ourselves an arrow, it was okay. Soon we bought three wooden feathered  arrows that flew really good and now we could have three shots instead of one eventually we decided to go and buy some carbon arrows which means they aremuch lighter, stronger and thinner.

We have had multiple different targets our first one was a sugar cane bale that mum had gotten from bunnings for her garden, the second was actually a few small bow and arrow boxes from the archery shop and the last was our new hot water machine box which is nice and big so, we drew a target on it to score points. It is really cool

In the Rooms

On Saturday the 4th of August, I went to see North play Bulldogs.

I went with my Dad and my brother Josiah. The first half was nearly all bad play by North and the Bulldogs. In the second we picked up our form and we started to kick better and more often. We started to score some more goals. Then ten minutes before the end of the match my uncle Andrew called and told us to meet him at gate 2 and go down to the rooms with him (his membership is extremely expensive and only about 5 or 6 people have it).  Anyway, we got to watch the last 10 minutes of footy at the gate where the players come in to the change rooms. Then we left to get a good spot for the song in the change rooms. Soon all the players came in Drew Petrie, Nathan Grima and Brent Harvey. Then they sang the song, it was extremly loud. I got a photo with spud. Liam Anthony and Nathan Grima signed the back of my North jumper – it was awesome.

Vic Market

On Sunday last week I went to the Vic Market with my family. First of all we went and walked around and looked for something to buy(with the $20 Dad had given us). Soon we started to get hungry and went and had lunch at 11:30(early lunch). I really enjoyed some American donouts. Back to shopping, I finally bought a new ipod case and some lollies(didn’t spend it all 🙂 extra money for me). It was not the best trip to the markets but it was still a great trip.

The Dandenongs….

After mum went to work, we went to the Dandenongs. We walked for about 30 mins and then we saw a massive clearing and decided to investigate. We came across heaps of roo poo. Dad told us to “look out for kangaroos”. We searched and luckily I spotted some. There were about six roos. Two straight into the forest but the others did not feel threatened. We snapped some pics and got 7 metres away from them and then they retreated into forest. It was amazing to see them in their natural habitat. Then we left on a long walk back to the car. We had great day!


On the 27th of May Friday

I stayed home from school, so did Josiah and Samuel because Mum and Dad had something planned. It was a suprise. They had been keeping it from us for two weeks. We drove to the city for lunch at Blue Train cafe. I shared an Angus Burger with Dad, Mum had some fish and Josiah and Samuel had a bowl of fries. Finally it was time for the big suprise. We set out to get another parking ticket and then we were on our way. We walked for about five – ten minutes. We ended up standing in front of Rod Laver Arena. Then we realised we were going to Circque du soleil.

I was speechless and a bit nervous, Josiah on the other hand was going crazy. He said “I have been waiting my whole life for this day” and Samuel was just jumping up and down excited. When we found our seats, dad and I went to get some water bottles in case we got thirsty. Then it started, the show consisted of pole climbers, people swinging on a massive swing then jumping of and going high in the air and doing crazy tricks and flips, strong guys balancing each other on top of each other, a guy making amazing sound afects with his mouth  and many other amazing and funny acts. By the time the show had finished we were exhausted so we went home and grabbed some Mcdonalds on the way. When we got home we ate our dinner and went to bed.

The Prom

At the Prom

We climbed on the rocks at Squeaky Beach and found rock pools with little fish and yabbies in them plus we found a starfish hotel. I pulled one out of the water and it started sticking to me it felt ticklish. I put him back in the water and climbed down to the beach and me and dad played football there. After a tiring climb we set of back to our camp.

The next day we walked to the end of Norman Beach and climbed there, there was this you could sit on that was 2 and a half feet tall and every now and then you couldn’t get back to dry land or move to the rock because their was water all around you. It was rad. We ate pretzels on the rocks.

Australia Day Fireworks


 Australia Day Fireworks 

On Australia Day we went up to a oval near us to watch some exciting Fireworks. My whole family came to watch before the Fireworks there was a cool band playing while the music was playing I saw Sammi and her family and had a chat to her. Then it was FIREWORKS time there was heaps of cool Fireworks I really liked the finale of the fireworks when it went crazy. It was really cool watching the Fireworks.

It was really cool

Boys Weekend

Boys Weekend – DAY1

Mum went to Merricks for 2 nights & 3 days, we were left to decide what we were going to do for the weekend. We tried to get accommodation in Ballarat but we couldn’t find anything. In the end we decided to get $200 bucks out of the bank and spend it on different things, so on Saturday we went out for breakfast at some cafe dad’s been to before. Eventually we drove to the Vic Market and had a bit of a browse around and in the end I bought a watch, so did Josiah and Samuel bought a cool lizard thing made out of wood, between all us boys we bough a cool helicopter. Then we ate some really yum American donuts which were full of jam. Very soon after that we went home and started to charge up the helicopter we decided to do our bum painting which was really funny but cool. After our shower we got the mats out to play some wrestling games. It was really awesome & fun. 



Sunday morning, we got up, got dressed and went to Knox Shopping Centre and bought: a Nerf vortex, 36 darts and some new cricket balls.Then we drove to Grandpa and Nana’s first of all we said”hello,” and played some wii then when it was time to make our pizzas my pizza had: Tomato sauce, ham, bacon, mozzarella and salami. After that I just sat at the table and we chatted. Soon our pizzas were ready. Mine was delicious. Straight after that Nana prepared some banana fritters they were magnificent with ice-cream and maple syrup. then we went home to meet mum and it was hugs and kisses all around.

Sculpture Motion

 On Saturday

I put together a stop motion video called sculpture motion with the help of Josiah, Samuel and Dad. It took at least 2 hours and we took over three hundred photos and converted them into a movie with music and sound affects. Today I took it to school everybody thought it was pro, rad and fully sick.

It was toatally awesome